Weekly Report

12 June 2020

Overall Risk
Tree Pollen
Grass Pollen
Weed Pollen
Mould Spores

Cape Town

The grass pollen level was low. In the tree categor,  low levels of cypress, gum, pine and Casuarina were detected. Weeds consisting of the daisy family and nettles were seen and moulds were low.


Grass levels ranged from low to moderate. Low tree levels included: gum, Rhus (kareeboom), cypress and bush willow. Weed types included low levels of the daisy family, Stoebe (slangbos an indigenous shrub), Euphorbia and sorrel. Moulds were varied, but low.


Grasses were a constant low presence in the atmosphere. Very little tree pollen was detected and only the type cypress was identified. Of the weeds only Stoebe (slangbos, an indigenous shrub) was seen, in small quantities.  Moulds were very low.

Bloemfontein: Locked Down


Low grass levels were detected. Low tree levels which included Rhus/Searsia and low weeds, including the the daisy family and ragweed were seen. Moulds were very low.:


Grass levels were very low and little tree pollen was detected in the atmosphere. Only the tree types: gum and Casuarina were seen. Weed pollen included ferns and the daisy family. Moulds were consistently low throughout the week.


Grass counts were low as were trees. Weeds were low but the variety increased as Rumex (sorrel) erica, lily and Stoebe (slangbos an indigenous shrub) all continued their autumn-winter pollen release cycle. Tree types included Searsia, formerly Rhus or kareeboom, and waxberry.  Moulds were low with spikes for basidiospores (this group includes mushrooms).