Weekly Report

26 June 2020

Overall Risk
Tree Pollen
Grass Pollen
Weed Pollen
Mould Spores

Cape Town

Grass and tree levels were very low. Tree types detected included gum and cypress.  Winter flowering cypress trees are beginning their pollen release cycle. Weed levels were low, but with more variation as Erica, Stoebe (slangbos an indigenous shrub) the daisy family and waxberry, a large shrub were identified. Mould levels increased to moderate levels when sun followed rain and the ‘wet weather spore’ Pleospora increased.


Grass counts were low during this sampling week. Tree levels were also low and included cypress, lime and gum. Weed levels were low and goosefoot, the daisy family and ferns were detected. Mould levels were consistently low.


Pollen levels were very low. Grasses were scanty. Low tree levels included birch, bushwillow and Searsia (Rhus) Weeds were also low and included the daisy family, the pink or carnation family, goosefoot and Euphorbia. Moulds were very low.


Grass, tree and weed levels were low. Tree types included Buddleja, willow and Searsia (formerly Rhus) and weeds included Stoebe (slangbos, an indigenous shrub) and the daisy family. Mould levels were uniformly low.


Grasses were very low during this sampling period as was tree pollen. Of the tree types, only Searsia (Rhus) was detected. Weed levels were also low and the types detected were goosefoot, the daisy family and Persicaria (knotweed), Mould levels were very low.


Low grass levels were detected. Trees were very low and only pine and Searsia (Rhus) were observed. Low weed levels included ferns, the daisy family, sorrel, Cannabis, mistletoe and Stoebe (slangbos, an indigenous shrub).


Grass, tree and weed levels were all low. Trees included the types Casuarina, gum and waxberry. Weeds or shrubs detected were the daisy family and reeds. Moulds were consistently low.