Weekly Report

8 August 2020

Overall Risk
Tree Pollen
Grass Pollen
Weed Pollen
Mould Spores

Cape Town

No grass pollen was detected during this initially cold, dry period even though temperatures increased at the end of the sampling week. Tree pollen levels were generally low, but cypress increased and pine, gum, ash and oak pollen were observed. Weed levels were low and included Erica, Rumex (sorrel), Stoebe (slangbos) and nettle. Moulds were low with small peaks for ascospores and a small spike was detected for Pleospora, the wet weather spore.


Grass levels were consistently low at this site after a long flowering period. Tree pollen was high as significant scores for cypress and plane were detected and low levels for oak, gum, pine, birch, mulberry and Searsia/Rhus were observed. Low weed levels included the types erica, the daisy family, ferns, goosefoot, Thymelaeaceae, a family of shrubs that includes the pompom tree, Euphorbia and Solanaceae, or nightshades. Moulds were low throughout the week.


No grass pollen was detected during this sampling period. Tree pollen was low but is increasing as cypress, pine, willow and poplar begin their pollen release cycle. Weed pollen was also low and included nettle and Malvaceae, the mallow or mauve family. Moulds were consistently low.


Grasses remained at low levels during this sampling period but tree pollen increased and included: cypress, poplar, Buddleia and Searsia/Rhus. Weed pollen levels were very low and only one weed pollen grain was detected. This was Rutaceae, a group of aromatic indigenous and alien shrubs. Moulds were vanishingly low.


Grass, tree and weed pollen levels were all low. Tree types detected were cypress and white mulberry. The weeds included goosefoot and the daisy family. Moulds were low throughout the sampling period.


Grass levels were low as were trees, but tree pollen increased as cypress, mulberry, pine, willow and gum began their spring pollen release cycle. Weed levels were low and only daisy, nettle and fern pollen were detected. Moulds were generally low but small spikes were noted for Epicoccum, an allergenic fungal spore.


Grass and tree levels were low. Tree pollen included gum and waxberry. Weeds were also low and included sedge, the daisy family, Stoebe (slangbos) and lilies. Moulds were consistently low with small insignificant spikes for ascospores.