Weekly Report

29 September 2023

Overall Risk
Tree Pollen
Grass Pollen
Weed Pollen
Mould Spores


The low pressure area that moved into the country, during this sampling week reduced pollen and mould in the air but moderate to high tree concentrations were seen on days with sunshine. Grasses are increasing in the winter rainfall cities (Cape Town and George) where moderate to high concentrations were found.

Cape Town

On days without rain the grass counts were high although the average weekly count is moderate. Tree counts have been reduced by rain but moderate amounts of oak (Quercus spp.), and mulberry (Moraceae) were detected during this sampling week. Low levels of olive (Oleaceae), birch (Betulus), plane (Platanaceae), yellowwood (Podocarpaceae), pine (Pinaceae) and cypress (Cupressaceae) were recorded. Very low weed pollen levels included the daisy family (Asteraceae) and knotweed (Persicaria spp.).


This site is not operating.

Johannesburg No results were sent from this site.


The spore trap has now been moved and findings should be available soon.


Tree concentrations were high and the dominant tree pollen types were plane (Platanaceae) and poplar (Populaceae). Other flowering trees included acacia (Acacia-type), birch (Betulus), false olive (Buddleja), bushwillow (Combretaceae), ash (Fraxinus spp.), cypress (Cupressaceae), mulberry (Moraceae), waxberry (Myricaceae), pine (Pinaceae), poplar (Populaceae) and karee (Searsia/Rhus spp.). No grass pollen was detected and weeds included high concentrations of sedges (Cyperaceae) and scanty pigmy weeds (Crassulaceae). Fungal spore loads were light.


Low concentrations of pollen and moulds were found at this site. Trees were cypress (Cupressaceae), African stinkwood (Celtis africana), pine (Pinaceae), yellowwood (Podocarpaceae), the sumac family (Anacardiaceae) and mulberry (Moraceae). Weeds were mugwort (Artemisia spp.), the daisy family (Asteraceae) and nettles (Urticaceae),


No grass was detected during this sampling week. Tree pollen was low and included pine (Pinaceae), yellowwood (Podocarpaceae), cypress (Cupressaceae), oak (Quercus spp.), ash (Fraxinus spp.) and African stinkwood (Celtis spp.). Weeds were equally low and the types were the daisy family (Asteraceae), nettles (Urticaceae) and knotweed (Persicaria spp.). Moulds were moderate on days without rain.


Findings from this site were not received.


Last week’s findings are repeated as the spore trap clock was faulty. Trees were with abundant plane (Platanaceae), oak (Quercus spp.) and mulberry (Moraceae).Yellowwood (Podocarpaceae) was moderate as well as birch (Betulus). Very few weeds were seen and these included nettles (Urticacea) the daisy family (Asteraceae). Moulds were low.


Grass pollen in the air remained low but the concentrations and variety of tree pollen increased on days with sunshine. Trees included pine (Pinaceae), yellowwood (Podocarpaceae), false olive (Buddleja spp.), plane (Platanaceae), olive (Oleaceae), cypress (Cupressaceae), gum (Myrtaceae) and oak (Quercus spp.). Low weeds included goosefoot (Chenopodiaceae)t, the daisy family (Asteraceae), sedges (Cyperaceae) and bulrush (Typhaceae). Moulds were low.