Weekly Report

19 January 2024

Overall Risk
Tree Pollen
Grass Pollen
Weed Pollen
Mould Spores

 Pollen Alerts

Grasses have increased in Gauteng, Eastern Cape, Bloemfontein and Durban and may pose a risk to grass sensitive individuals. Moulds/fungal spores are high in Durban and George.

Cape Town

Pollen in the categories: Trees, grasses and weeds was detected in low quantities in the air. Trees were ash (Fraxinus), gum (Myrtaceae), waxberry (Morella), pine (Pinaceae) and sweet gum (Liquidamber). Weeds were sedges (Cyperaceae), sorrel (Rumex), knotweed (Persicaria), plantain (Plantaginacea), sundew (Drosera) and the carnation family (Caryophyllaceae). Moulds were low.


This spore trap is not operating. Means of the past four years show that grasses increase at this time of year, while trees, weeds and moulds are low.


This spore trap is operating but the pollen strip was not received for analysis. Means from the previous four years show high grass concentrations.

Bloemfontein: Grass concentrations were moderate. Tree and weed pollen was detected in small quantities. Trees included birch (Betula), ash (fraxinus), mulberry (Moraceae), waxberry (Morella), olive (Oleaceae), poplar (Populaceae), karee (Rhus/Searsia) and elm (Ulmaceae). Weeds were mugwort (Artemisia), the daisy family (Asteraceae), goosefoot (Chenopodiaceae), pigmyweeds (Crassulaceae), sedges (Cyperaceae) and plantain (Plantaginaceae). Moulds were low.


Grass, tree and weed pollen was low on average but some moderate grass counts were recorded. Trees identified were waxberry (Morella) and weeds were goosefoot (Chenopodiaceae), ragweed (Ambrosia), the daisy family (Asteraceae) and nettles (Urticaceae). Moulds increased slightly after rain but remained low.

Durban: Little grass pollen and no tree pollen was detected. Low weeds included goosefoot (Chenopodiaceae), ragweed (Ambrosia), ferns (Polypodiaceae), nettles (Urticaceae) and goosefoot (Chenopodiaceae). Moulds were high with spikes for Cladosporium and ascospores.


Grass tree and weed pollen was detected in small quantities in the air. Trees identified included the sumac family (Anacardiaceae), the pea family (Fabaceae), waxberry (Morella) and yellowwood (Podocarpaceae). Weeds were pigweeds (Amaranthaceae), the daisy family (Asteraceae), plantain (Plantaginaceae), spurges (Euphorbiaceae), goosefoot (Chenopodiaceae), buttercup (Ranunculaceae) and reeds (Restionaceae), moulds were moderate, with a small spike for ascospores.


This spore trap will resume next week’s. The findings from the equivalent week in 2023 are given. Grasses are moderate. A spike for elm (Ulmaceae) was seen in December and plantain (Plantaginaceae) spikes were seen for weeds. Moulds were low.


Pollen concentrations were low at this site. Few grass pollen grains were detected and just for trees only chestnut (Hippocastanaceae) were identified. Weeds were goosefoot (Chenopodiaceae) andthe citrus/buchu family (Rutaceae) were seen. Moulds were moderate, with a strong spike for theallergenic fungal spore Cladosporium and smaller spikes for ascospores and basidiospores (includes mushrooms).