Weekly Report

20 December 2019

Overall Risk
Tree Pollen
Grass Pollen
Weed Pollen
Mould Spores


Moulds increased following heavy rain during this sampling period. Significant levels were seen for Alternaria and the Cladosporium count remained below the threshold but increased. Grasses and trees were low. Tree pollen included Fraxinus or ash. No weed pollen was detected.


The spore trap stopped after Day 3. Counts were adjusted accordingly. Very low mould counts were seen and low pollen levels were detected in the categories: trees, grasses and weeds. Of the tree types, only pine was detected and no grass or weed pollen was detected.

Cape Town

All pollen levels remained low, but grass pollen increased slightly following rain. Tree pollen levels were low and were composed of cypress, mulberry, olive, plane and white stinkwood. Weed pollen levels were low and included English Plantain, ferns and daisy pollen. Mould levels were low, but a small spike for Rust spores was noted.


Tree pollen was low and consisted of pine, palm and ash. Grass levels were very low. Weed pollen was low and included English Plantain, Euphorbia and dandelion. Moulds increased after rain and a strong spike for Cladosporium was seen.


Grass pollen increased to moderate levels following heavy rain. Tree pollen was low but cypress, acacia, casuarina, jacaranda, mulberry, eucalyptus, olive, pine, plane, oak and birch pollen was detected in low quantities. Weed pollen was low and consisted of: English Plantain, Stoebe and Fabaceae. Moulds increased in response to recent rains but did not exceed the significant threshold.


Mould levels increased when compared to previous weeks but remained below the significant threshold during this sampling period. Pollen levels were low, but grass counts are increasing. Tree pollen was low and consisted of the types: bush willow, cypress, jacaranda, mulberry, eucalyptus, pine and plane. Weed pollen was very low and only daisy and English Plantain pollen was detected.


Pollen levels were all very low. Low grass and trees pollen (white stinkwood only) was seen. No weed pollen was detected. The mould levels were high. Alternaria, the dry air spore disappeared from the air due to humidity while ascospores surged to high levels.