Grass pollen is peaking at most of the inland sites. Tree and weed concentrations are low at all sampling sites and moulds are high in Durban.
Cape Town
Grass, tree and weed concentrations are typically low at this site in late summer. Trees detected include gum (Myrtaceae), elm (Ulmaceae), waxberry (Morella) and karee (Rhus/Searsia). Weeds would be the daisy family (Asteraceae), goosefoot (Chenopodiaceae), English plantain (Plantaginaceae), erica (Ericaceae) and ferns (Polypodiaceae). Moulds are low. 5-year means are shown.
Heavy rain at this site reduced pollen and fungal spores in the air. Grass, tree and weed concentrations were low. Trees included false olive (Buddleia), olive (Oleaceae) and yellowwood (Podocarpaceae). Weeds were pigweed (Amaranthaceae), sedges (Cyperaceae), lily (Liliaceae), plantain (Plantaginaceae) and ferns (Polypodiaceae). Moulds were low.
Johannesburg South
Grasses were moderate on average, but some high concentrations were detected. Very low counts of tree pollen were detected and only ash (Fraxinus) and plane (Platanaceae) were identified. Low counts of weed pollen included sages (Cyperaceae), the daisy family (Asteraceae), pigweed (Amaranthaceae), bulrush (Typhaceae), the carnation family (Caryophyllaceae) and plantain (Plantaginaceae). Moulds were low.
Grasses increase to moderate concentrations at this time of year. Trees are low and include bushwillow (Combretaceae), mulberry (Moraceae) and karee (Rhus/Searsia). Moulds are low. 5-year means are shown.
Grasses are generally high at this time of year in this summer rainfall area. Tree concentrations are low and might include gum (Myrtaceae), elm (Ulmaceae), acacia (Acacia-species), waxberry (Morella) and karee (Rhus/Searsia). Low weed concentrations would be the daisy family (Asteraceae), goosefoot (Chenopodiaceae), nettles (Urticaceae) and iris (Iridaceae). Moulds are typically low. 5-year means are shown.
Grasses were moderate on average with some high concentrations. No trees were detected and weeds were scanty and included goosefoot (Chenopodiaceae), sedges (Cyperaceae) and knotweed (Persicaria). Moulds were low. Thunderstorms occurred during this sampling week and several grass grains were ruptured and seen to be releasing respirable starch granules.
Grass, tree and weed concentrations are low at this site in late summer. Trees might include gum (Myrtaceae), mulberry (Moraceae) and birch (Betulus). Weeds are likely to be ragweed (Ambrosia), goosefoot (Chenopodiaceae) and ferns (Polypodiaceae). Moulds are generally high. 5-year means are given as the pollen strip was not received for analysis.
Grass, tree and weed pollen concentrations were low. Trees included acacia (Acacia-type), ebony (Ebenaceae) and waxberry (Morella). Weeds were pigweed (Amaranthaceae), katstert (Anthospermum) and lily (Liliaceae). Moulds were low.
Tree, grass and weed pollen was detected in low quantities. Trees included elm (Ulmaceae), birch (Betulus) and karee (Rhus/Searsia). Weeds were sedges (Cyperaceae), erica (Ericaceae), plantain (Plantaginaceae), ragweed (Ambrosia) and ferns (Polypodiaceae). Moulds were low. Counts from the same time period in 2024 are shown.
Reference Range
Grass: Low: 0-5 Moderate: 6-20 High: 21-200
Trees: Low: 0-15 Moderate: 16-90 High: 91-1500
Weeds: Low: 0-10 Moderate: 10-50 High: 51-500
Moulds: Low: 0-900 Moderate: 900-2500 High 2500-25000
Unit: per cubic metre