Weekly Report

22 November 2019

Overall Risk
Tree Pollen
Grass Pollen
Weed Pollen
Mould Spores


The mould count was low but increased slightly after rain. No significant values were recorded. Low levels of grasses and the trees; pine and olive were detected in the ambient air. Occasional pollen grains of the weeds; English Plantain and daisy were seen.


Fungal spore levels increased after rain as ascospore levels rose, but the fungal spore average remained low. Pollen levels were low and consisted of grasses and the trees: eucalypts, yellowwood, acacia, cypress and Arecaceae, or African palm. In the category weeds or herbaceous shrubs, daisies, Euphorbias and English Plantain were seen.

Cape Town

Projected counts have been calculated from the sampling years 2008-2019 from this site. According to weather patterns, grasses are low or moderate but decreasing, tree pollen is low and trees usually seen in the second and third week of November include: rhus/searsia, white stinkwood, eucalyptus, olive, pine and yellowwood. Weeds would be: Erica, daisy and English Plantain. High Alternaria counts are likely to have occurred as this ‘dry air spore’ peaks in November when rain is absent as experienced in Cape Town during this sampling period.


The fungal spore counts were uniformly low throughout this sampling period. Grasses were a constant low presence in the air. Tree pollen was low and consisted of eucalyptus, cypress, bush willow, buddleja, pine, yellowwood, oak, white stinkwood and rhus/searsia. No weed pollen was detected.


Some moderate tree counts were seen as birch, white stinkwood, bush willow, cypress, mulberry, eucalyptus, plane, prunus, oak, rhus/searsia and jacaranda continued to flower. Grass and weeds (English Plantain only) were low, as were fungal spores.


Fungal spores were consistently low at this sampling site. Trees were low but the pollen several trees appeared and these were: Birch, cypress, ash, eucalyptus, plane and oak. No grasses or weeds/herbaceous shrubs were detected.


The mould count diminished during this sampling period but was still high at >9000 spores/cu M/day. A new fungal spore, Stachybotrys was identified at this site. Pollen levels were uniformly low and consisted of low grass levels, low trees (cypress, eucalyptus, mulberry) and weeds/herbaceous shrubs (euphorbia, daisy and fern).