Weekly Report

24 October 2019

Overall Risk
Tree Pollen
Grass Pollen
Weed Pollen
Mould Spores


Tree and weed pollen levels were low but pine, willow, white stinkwood and mulberry pollen was detected. Low levels of chenopod or goosefoot, ferns and English Plantain weed pollen was present. Grass pollen increased slightly and although the average count remained low, grass levels were moderate on some days. Mould levels were consistently low.


All pollen levels were low during this sampling period with intermittent rain. As a consequence there were two strong spikes for moulds following rain at the end of the sampling week.

Cape Town

The grass levels were high on warm, sunny days and disappeared after rain, Tree pollen levels decreased but low levels of cypress, eucalyptus,olive, oak and pine were detected. Weed or herbaceous shrub pollen increased. The dominant weed was English Plantain but daisy, erica and fern pollen was detected. Moulds were low.


Grass pollen levels remained low to moderate during this sampling week. Tree counts were low as acacia, buddleja, cypress, pine, white stinkwood and rhus completed their flowering cycles. Low weed levels were detected for daisy and chenopod (goosefoot) and all  mould levels were low.


Tree pollen is now low. Bush willow, cypress,ash, mulberry, eucalyptus, olive, pine, yellowwood, oak and poplar pollen was detected in the air. Daisy and English Plantain pollen represented the weeds/herbaceous shrubs and grass pollen was very low. Moulds were present in small quantities.


Low tree pollen loads were detected in the air but acacia, birch, cypress, bush willow, ash, olive mulberry, pine, poplar, plane and mulberry pollen was identified. Low grass and weed pollen levels were seen and mould counts were low.


All pollen and fungal spore levels dropped to low concentrations during a week with rain. Low tree pollen detected included birch and eucalyptus. The weed pollen level were low and only daisy pollen was detected. Mould counts were low.