Weekly Report

28 March 2024

Overall Risk
Tree Pollen
Grass Pollen
Weed Pollen
Mould Spores


Pollen in the tree and weed categories remains low, but moderate grass concentrations are seen in Kimberley and Durban. Moulds increased during this autumn period especially in Durban, Kimberley and Gqeberha. 4-year means are again shown for some sites due to a temporary shortage of aerobiologists.

Cape Town

All pollen and fungal spore or mould concentrations were low. Trees usually identified at this time in March are birch, (Betulus), olive, (Oleaceae) cypress, (Cupressaceae), pine, (Pinaceae), white stinkwood Celtis), waxberry (Morella) and Brazilian peppertree (Schinus). Weeds are goosefoot, (Chenopodiaceae), English plantain, (Plantaginaceae), sedges (Cyperaceae), the daisy family (Asteraceae), sorrel (Rumex), mallows (Malvaceae), protea (Proteaceae) and Urticaceae (nettles). Moulds, or fungal spores are low. Means are given for this site.


Grasses are usually moderate at this time of year in Johannesburg. Flowering trees include bushwillow (Combretaceae), cypress (Cupressaceae), mulberry (Moraceae), birch (Betulus), gum (Myrtaceae), poplar (Populaceae), waxberry (Morella), willow (Salicaceae) and elm (Ulmaceae). Weeds are the carnation family (Caryophyllaceae), goosefoot (Chenopodiaceae), sedges (Cyperaceae), ferns (Polypodiaceae), heather (Ericaceae), lily (Liliaceae) and spurges (Euphorbiaceae). 4-year means are given.


Grasses are moderate at this time of year. Tree pollen in the air includes karee (Rhus/Searsia), gum (Myrtaceae), bushwillow (Combretaceae), cypress (Cupressaceae), poplar (Populaceae), waxberry (Morella) and mesquite (Prosopis). Weeds detected are ferns (Polypodiaceae), the daisy family (Asteraceae), spurges (Euphorbiaceae), mugwort (Artemisia) and slangbos (Stoebe-type). Moulds are low. 4-year means are given.


No significant pollen or mould concentrations were measured during this sampling period. Trees identified included mulberry (Moraceae), poplar (Populaceae) and elm (Ulmaceae). Weeds were the daisy family, pigmyweeds (Crassulaceae), sedges (Cyperaceae) and plantain (Plantaginaceae).


Tree and weed pollen concentrations are low at this time of year but grasses are moderate. Trees are karee (Rhus/Searsia), waxberry (Morella) and olive (Oleaceae). Weeds are the daisy family (Asteraceae), ferns (Polypodiaceae), goosefoot (Chenopodiaceae) and nettles (Urticaceae). Moulds are moderate with small spikes for the allergenic mould, Cladosporium. 4-year means are given.


Tree, grass and weed pollen concentrations are low at this time of year. Trees include birch (Betulus), Australian pine (Casuarina), ash (Fraxinus), waxberry (Morella), gum (Myrtaceae), mulberry (Moraceae) and cypress (Cupressaceae). Weeds are the daisy family (Asteraceae), ragweed (ambrosia), nettles (Urticaceae), protea (Proteaceae) and knotweed (Persicaria). Moulds are high with spikes for ascospores and Cladosporium, the allergenic spore.


Tree grass and weed concentrations were low. Trees identified included the sumac family (Anacardiaceae), the pea family (Fabaceae), gum (Myrtaceae), waxberry (Morella), birch (Betulus) and yellowwood (Podocarpaceae), and olive (Oleaceae). Weeds were mugwort (Artemisia) aloe (Asphodelaceae), sedges (Cyperaceae), spurges (Euphorbiaceae), the daisy family (Asteraceae), the carnation family (Caryophyllaceae), erica (Ericaceae), English plantain (Plantaginaceae) and protea (Proteaceae). Moulds were moderate with spikes for the allergenic spore Cladosporium.


Grasses were low as were trees and weeds. Trees identified were birch (Betulus) and pine (Pinaceae).

Weeds were the daisy family (Asteraceae), and English plantain (Plantaginaceae). Moulds were low with a small peak for rusts.


Low concentrations were seen for all pollen categories. Trees included olive (Oleaceae), ash (Fraxinus) and false olive (Buddleja). Fungal spores/ moulds were low but increased after rain when small spikes were seen for ascospores and basidiospores (includes mushrooms). Earlier findings are given as the courier failed to deliver the strip.

Reference Range

Grass:      Low: 0-5       Moderate:      6-20         High: 21-200

Trees:      Low: 0-15     Moderate:    16-90         High: 91-1500

Weeds:   Low: 0-10      Moderate:   10-50         High: 51-500

Moulds:  Low: 0-900    Moderate:  900-2500   High 2500-25000