Weekly Report

3 December 2021

Overall Risk
Tree Pollen
Grass Pollen
Weed Pollen
Mould Spores


Three sites showed significant pollen counts in two or more pollen categories. Cape Town had high weed levels due to an increase in plantain and bulrush pollen, and moderate tree and grass counts were also seen. Moderate grass and tree counts were also seen in Kimberley, while Durban had moderate weed and tree counts with high fungal spore levels.

Cape Town

High weed counts, moderate grass counts, and moderate tree pollen counts were detected. Tree pollen included bushwillow (Combretaceae), cypress (Cupressaceae), jacaranda (Jacaranda sp.), mulberry (Moraceae), gum (Myrtaceae), waxberry (Myricaceae), olive (Oleaceae), pine (Pinaceae), pepper tree (Schinus sp.), the persimmon family (Ebenaceae) and monkey puzzle tree (Araucariaceae). Weed counts were elevated due to a peak in plantain (Plantaginaceae) and bulrush (Typhaceae) pollen. Other weed pollen types present were sedges (Cyperaceae), the daisy family (Asteraceae), borages (Boraginaceae), erica (Ericaceae), spurges (Euphorbiaceae), mallows (Malvaceae), dandelion (Taraxacum sp.), sorrel (Rumex sp.) and the mezereum family (Thymelaeaceae). Fungal spore counts were low.


Very low pollen and fungal spore counts were seen in this sampling period. Tree pollen included acacia (Acacia sp.), gum (Myrtaceae), olive (Oleaceae) and pine (Pinaceae). No weed pollen types were detected.


Low levels of grass, weed and tree pollen were seen. Tree pollen included the sumac family (Anacardiaceae), cypress (Cupressaceae), bushwillow (Combretaceae), gum (Myrtaceae) and olive (Oleaceae). The weed pollen types present were bulrush (Typhaceae), sedges (Cyperaceae), plantain (Plantaginaceae), fern spores (Polypodiaceae) and nettles (Urticaceae). Mould counts were also low.


Low grass, weed and tree pollen levels were seen after rain. Tree pollen included acacia (Acacia sp.), the sumac family (Anacardiaceae), gum (Myrtaceae), waxberry (Myricaceae) and olive (Oleaceae). The weed pollen detected were mugwort (Artemisia sp.), the daisy family (Asteraceae), goosefoot (Chenopodiaceae), plantain (Plantaginaceae), sedges (Cyperaceae) and pigmyweeds (Crassula sp.). Mould counts were also low.


Moderate tree and grass pollen levels with low weed levels were seen during this week. Tree pollen was dominated by olive (Oleaceae) and lower levels of the sumac family (Anacardiaceae), bushwillow (Combretaceae), waxberry (Myricaceae), gum (Myrtaceae), mesquite (Prosopis sp.) and sweetgum (Liquidambar sp.) were seen. The weed pollen detected were the daisy family (Asteraceae), mallows (Malvaceae), sedges (Cyperaceae), bulrush (Typhaceae) and sorrel (Rumex sp.). Fungal spore counts were low.


High fungal spore counts, moderate tree and weed pollen counts, and low grass pollen counts were seen during this sampling period. Tree pollen included a peak in olive (Oleaceae) and mulberry (Moraceae), with lower levels of acacia (Acacia sp.), the sumac family (Anacardiaceae), cypress (Cupressaceae), gum (Myrtaceae) and monkey puzzle tree (Araucariaceae) seen. The main weed pollen detected was plantain (Plantaginaceae). Other weeds detected were the daisy family (Asteraceae), goosefoot (Chenopodiaceae), spurges (Euphorbiaceae), sedges (Cyperaceae), the iris family (Iridaceae), fern spores (Polypodiaceae), sorrel (Rumex sp.) and nettles (Urticaceae).


Overall low pollen and fungal spore counts were seen. Tree pollen included olive (Oleaceae), pine (Pinaceae) and the monkey puzzle tree (Araucariaceae). The weed pollen detected were pigweed (Amaranthus sp.) the daisy family (Asteraceae), erica (Ericaceae), katstert (Anthospermum sp.), the carnation family (Caryophyllaceae) and mezereum (Thymelaeaceae).