Weekly Report

3 October 2019

Overall Risk
Tree Pollen
Grass Pollen
Weed Pollen
Mould Spores


All pollen and fungal spores were low but mould loads are slowly increasing. Tree pollen included Celtis, cypress, pine, gum and mulberry. Weeds included daisy and ferns.


Pollen counts were uniformly low and included scanty grass, tree (pine and yellowwood) and low weed counts. A high count for Cladosporium was seen.

Cape Town

Rain at the end of this sampling period depressed the pollen and fungal spore levels. Tree levels: Oak, pine plane,mulberry, cypress, Rhus and eucalyptus declined but grasses stayed at the same level. A greater variety of weeds/herbaceous shrubs was seen (Protea, English Plantain,Chenopod, Erica, Euphorbia, Reed, dandelion, daisy). Mould levels were low, but two significant spikes for Alternaria were detected.


Tree pollen is still high at times as white stinkwood, olive, Buddleja, pine, eucalyptus and bush willow complete their flowering cycles. Grasses are now low to moderate and weeds: Daisy and erica, are low. Mould counts were low.


Moderate tree pollen counts included mulberry, birch, pine plane and oak. Grass, weed and mould counts were low.


Tree counts  are decreasing but mulberry pine and oak pollen was present in the air this week. Grass and weed pollen levels were low as were moulds.


Grass, tree and weed pollen was low and moulds were low to moderate as high counts were observed for Cladosporium.