Tree pollen is increasing in many of our sampling sites and the dominant tree pollen is cypress, with high cypress pollen concentrations in Johannesburg.
Cape Town
Low grass, tree and weed pollen levels were seen. Tree pollen detected included the sumac family (Anacardiaceae), birch (Betulaceae), pine (Pinaceae), cypress (Cupressaceae), gum (Myrtaceae) and cedar (Cedrus sp.). Weed pollen was mugwort (Artemisia sp.), goosefoot (Chenopodiaceae), nettles (Urticaceae), and erica (Ericaceae). Moulds were low.
The Calvinia spore trap is not operational at present.
Grasses were low and included palm (Arecaeae), birch (Betulaceae), cypress (Cupressaceae), beech (Fagus spp.), ash (Fraxinus spp.) mulberry (Moraceae). oak (Quercus spp.), gum (Myrtaceae), pine (Pinaceae). plane (Platanaceae) willow (Salicaceae). karee (Rhus/Searsia). Weeds were pigweeds (Amaranthaceae) and sedges (Cyperaceae). Moulds were low.
Grasses were low. Tree concentrations were similarly low and included hackberry (Celtis spp), cypress (Cupressaceae), pine (Pinaceae), willow (Salicaceae) and linden (Tiliaceae). No weed pollen was detected and moulds were low.
Grasses remained low but there was a small increase in the grass concentration. Trees included false olive (Buddleja spp), cypress (Cupressaceae), olive (Olea spp.), karee (Rhus/Searsia), yellowwood and (Podocarpaceae). Weeds were sedges (Cyperaceae). Moulds were low.
Low grass counts were seen. Tree pollen was also low and included the sumac family (Anacardiaceae), false olive (Buddleja sp.), cypress (Cupressaceae), mulberry (Moraceae), poplar (Populaceae) and pine (Pinaceae). Low weed counts included the daisy family (Asteraceae), the carnation family (Caryophyllaceae), nettles (Urticaceae) and spruce (Euphorbiaceae). Moulds were low.
Grass. trees and weed pollen was low. Trees detected included gum (Myrtaceae), ash (Fraxinus sp.), pine (Pinaceae), cypress (Cupressaceae) and mulberry (Moraceae). Weeds included the daisy family (Asteraceae) and erica (Ericaceae). Moulds were moderate..
Pollen concentrations were low in all three categories. Tree pollen included acacia (Acacia spp), pine (Pinaceae) and olive (Oleaceae). Weeds were mugwort (Artemisia spp.), aloe (Asphodelaceae), sedges (Cyperaceae) and erica (Ericaceae). Moulds were low.
Pollen concentrations were very low. Trees detected included sand olive (Dodonea spp.) cypress (Cupressaceae), gum (Myrtaceae), pine (Pinaceae) and karee (rhus/Searsia spp.). Weeds were the daisy family (Asteraceae) and slangbos (Stoebe-type). Moulds were low.