Weekly Report

6 June 2020

Overall Risk
Tree Pollen
Grass Pollen
Weed Pollen
Mould Spores

Cape Town

Grasses were very low during this sampling period. Low levels of tree pollen included gum, olive and willow. Only the daisy family and Stoebe represented weed pollen in very low quantities. Fungal spores increased sharply after rain followed by sunny weather. Ascospore levels were high on 27-28 May but disappeared when temperatures decreased and rain returned.


Low levels of grasses and trees were detected. Tree pollen types were birch, cypress, gum, bush willow and Searsia/Rhus. Low weed levels included the types: goosefoot, mugwort, the daisy family, Stoebe (an indigenous African shrub) English Plantain, Rumex, ferns and Justicia or shrimp bush. Moulds were low.


Grasses were at low levels during this period. Little tree pollen was detected and only gum was seen. The weeds goosefoot, the daisy family and ferns were detected and mould levels were consistently low, with spikes for Cladosporium on some days.

Bloemfontein:  Locked down.


Grass pollen levels were low as were the tree pollen levels. Trees detected were only Searsia (formerly Rhus) and weeds detected were the daisy family. Moulds were low with occasional significant spikes for Alternaria.


Low grass and tree levels were detected. Tree types were gum and Searsia/Rhus. Low weed levels included the daisy family, Malvaceae (the mallow or mauve family), waxberry and ferns. Moulds ranged from low to moderate but were low on average with small spikes for Cladosporium and ascospores.


Low grass levels were seen. Tree levels were also low and only waxberry and gum tree pollen was detected. Weed levels were low, but  more pollen types were detected and these were the daisy family, lilies and Stoebe, an indigenous shrub. Mould levels were low.