Weekly Report

6 November 2020

Overall Risk
Tree Pollen
Grass Pollen
Weed Pollen
Mould Spores


Cape Town

High grass counts were seen. Tree levels dropped significantly and only cypress, pine and Rhus were detected. Just one weed was detected and this was Stoebe or slangbos. Mould levels were low but Alternaria, an allergenic spore is increasing.


Low tree levels included the types bush willow (Combretaceae), cypress (Cupressus spp), jacaranda (Fabaceae), white mulberry (Moraceae), gum (Myrtaceae), Prunus, yellowwood (Podocarpus spp), kareeboom (Searsia/Rhus, plane (Platanus sp) and oak (Quercus spp). Low weed levels were seen and the types detected included Euphorbia, English Plantain (Plantago), the pink or carnation family (Caryophyllaceae) and mugwort (Artemisia spp). Grasses and moulds were very low.


Low tree levels included Birch (Betula), jacaranda (Fabaceae), pecan (Carya spp), pine (pinus), prosopis (mesquite), kareeboom (Searsia/Rhus) and white mulberry (Morus spp). Low weed levels were observed and the types detected were the daisy family, Euphorbia, slangbos (Stoebe) and waxberry (Morella). Moulds were low and grasses were moderate.


Grasses increased to moderate levels during this sampling week. Tree levels were low and the types detected were Buddleja, olive (Oleaceae), and birch (Betula). Low weed levels were detected and only the daisy family was represented. Moulds were low.


Low tree levels included the types white stinkwood (Celtis), gum (Myrtaceae), kareeboom (searsia/Rhus), pecan (Carya spp) and olive (Olea spp). Weeds detected at low levels were ferns (Polypodiaceae), slangbos (Stoebe) and sorrel (Rumex). Grasses and moulds were low.


Tree levels were low but varied and included the types white stinkwood (Celtis), gum (Myrtaceae), birch (Betula), white mulberry (Morus), yellowwood (Podocarpus), pine (Pinus), cypress (Cupressus spp), casuarina and pecan (Carya spp). Low weeds were detected and these included English Plantain (Plantago), waxberry (Morella) and Pellitory-of-the-wall (Parietaria). Grasses were low as were moulds.


Low tree levels were seen and only olive (Olea spp) and pine were detected. Low weed levels included the daisy family (Asteraceae), the pinks or carnation family (Caryophyllaceae), sedges (Cyperus spp), ericas, and Passerina. Grasses and moulds were low.