Weekly Report

8 January 2021

Overall Risk
Tree Pollen
Grass Pollen
Weed Pollen
Mould Spores

Challenges related to covid has made sampling difficult at some sites. The data for Cape Town, Gqeberha and Johannesburg is current. Data for the other sites is based on data for the same time period in 2019.

Cape Town

Grasses declined to low levels. Low tree pollen detected included gum (Myrtaceae) pine (Pinus) and white stinkwood (Celtis spp). Weed levels were low and sedges (Cyperus) bulrush (Typha), English Plantain (Plantago) and sorrel (Rumex) were detected. Moulds were generally low with small spikes for Alternaria following rain.


Grasses increased during this period to breach the significant threshold on some of the days. Low tree pollen levels detected were Australian pine (Casuarina) white mulberry (Morus) gum (Myrtaceae) and white stinkwood (Celtis). Low weed levels included the daisy family (Asteraceae) English Plantain (Plantago) sorrel (Rumex) and ferns (Polypod). Moulds were low


No data was available for Pretoria


Grass counts increased at this site and while the mean count remained below the threshold significant counts were recorded on some days. Trees flowered strongly following rain. The following trees were detected: olive (olea), kareeboom (Rhus/Searsia) acacia, sneezebush (Buddleja) and white stinkwood (Celtis). In the weed/herbaceous shrub category, only daisy pollen was observed. Moulds remained low.


Significant grass levels were seen. Low tree (olive and Casuarina) and weeds (ferns) were seen. Mould levels were low. Alternaria increased after slight rain but did not exceed the significant threshold.


High mould counts were detected during a sampling week of humidity levels. Very high ascospore levels were seen and basidiospores, Epicoccum and Cladosporium levels increased. Grasses increased and although the average daily count was low, the count exceeded the significant threshold at times. Tree pollen increased and included birch, Rhus, acacia, white stinkwood and olive. Weed pollen levels also increased as daisy, ferns and Parietaria were seen.


Grass levels were low. Low tree levels included waxberry (Morella), gum (Myrtaceae), the sumac and cashew and family (Anacardiaceae) olive (Olea spp) and Australian pine (Casuarina). Weeds were similarly low and Erica (Erica spp), the daisy family (Asteraceae) the pink and carnation family (Caryophyllaceae) sedges (Cyperus) pigweed  (Amaranthus) and Passerina, gonnabush (Thymelaeaceae). Moulds were low with small spikes for basidiospores (includes mushrooms).: