Weekly Report

8 February 2024

Overall Risk
Tree Pollen
Grass Pollen
Weed Pollen
Mould Spores


Grasses are high (more than 20 grains/cubic meter) in Kimberley and moderate (more than 5 grains/cubic meter) in Johannesburg, Potchefstroom and Bloemfontein.     

Cape Town

Tree, grass and weeds were insignificant. Trees included pine (Pinaceae), monkey puzzle (Araucariaceae), karee (Rhus/Searsia) and gum. Weeds were sorrel (Rumex), the daisy family (Asteraceae), erica (Ericaceae), citrus/buchu (Rutaceae) and nettles (Urticaceae). Moulds were seen in low concentrations.


This site is not operating so the means of the past four years are shown. Grasses are moderate. Trees identified at this time are Australian pine (casuarina) and gum (Myrtaceae). Weeds are goosefoot (Chenopodiaceae), plantain (Plantaginaceae), sedges (Cyperaceae), erica (Ericaceae) and pigweed (Amaranthaceae). Moulds are low.


This site is being counted every third week. Past averages are low tree concentrations which include mulberry (Moraceae) and gum (Myrtaceae). Weeds are usually sedges (Cyperaceae), the carnation family (Caryophyllaceae) and spurges (Euphorbiaceae) and moulds at this time are low.


The aerobiologists at this site are on a field trip so last week’s findings are repeated. Moderate grass concentrations were seen at this site, along with moderate trees. The dominant types were mulberry (Moraceae) and olive (Oleaceae) and elm (Ulmaceae). Other trees included acacia (Acacia-type), cypress (Cupressaceae), birch (Betulaceae), ash (Fraxinus), false olive (Buddleja), poplar) Populaceae) and karee (Rhus/Searsia). Weeds were moderate too and these the daisy family (Asteraceae), sedges (Cyperaceae), ferns (Polypodiaceae), pigmyweeds (Crassulaceae), plantain (Plantaginaceae) and mallows (Malvaceae). Moulds were low.


Grasses were significant. Very little tree pollen was identified but occasional olive (Oleaceae) and bushwillow was detected. Weeds were scanty and included ragweed (Ambrosia), the daisy family and mugwort (Artemisia). Insignificant, but frequent peaks occurred for the allergenic mould Cladosporium after rain and the allergenic mould Alternaria approached but did not exceed the significant threshold.

Durban:  Insignificant concentrations of pollen in all three categories were seen. Trees included gum (Myrtaceae) and mulberry (Myrtaceae). Weeds were ragweed (Ambrosia), goosefoot (Chenopodiaceae), sedges (Cyperaceae), nettle (Urticaceae) and ferns (Polypodiaceae). Moulds were sparse.


No counts were received so last week’s findings are repeated. Pollen in all three categories was low. Tree pollen included waxberry (Morella) and pine (Pinaceae). Weeds were the daisy family (Asteraceae), goosefoot (Chenopodiaceae), erica (Ericaceae) and reeds (Restionaceae). Moulds were low.


Grasses were insignificant. Trees included low concentrations of elm (Ulmaceae), olive, (Oleaceae) and poplar (Populaceae). Low weeds detected included reeds (Restionaceae), spurges (Euphorbiaceae), plantain (Plantaginaceae), the daisy family (Asteraceaeae), katstert (Anthospermum) and sedges (Cyperaceae) and moulds were low.


Tree, grass and weed concentrations were insignificant, Trees detected were elm (Ulmaceae). Weeds were ferns (Polypodiaceae), plantain (Plantaginaceae), citrus/buchu (Rutaceae) and erica (Ericaceae). Moulds were insignificant, but small peaks for Epicococcum are noted.