8 October 2021
Summary Tree counts remain high in Cape Town, but a slight decrease in grass counts were seen in response to lower temperatures. Moderate to low tree counts were seen at the other monitoring sites, indicating the decline of the tree pollen season. Bloemfontein recorded moderate grass counts, an increase from the previous sampling period. The […]
9 July 2021
Cape Town Grass, tree, weed and mould counts were low, with tree pollen approaching moderate counts. Tree pollen detected was gum (Myrtaceae), karee (Rhus sp. / Searsia sp.) and cypress (Cupressaceae), with a peak in pollen from the pine family (Cedrus sp. and Pinus sp.). Weed pollen included the daisy family (Asteraceae), nettles (Urticaceae) and […]
16 July 2021
Civil unrest in the Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal provinces interrupted data capturing at two of our sites for this sampling period. Very low temperatures with frost and snow on high lying areas have also reduced the pollen and fungal spores in the air throughout South Africa. Cape Town Grass, tree, weed and mould counts were low. […]
23 July 2021
Cape Town Grass, tree and weed pollen counts were low during this sampling period. Tree pollen included gum (Myrtaceae), karee (Rhus sp. / Searsia sp.), cypress (Cupressaceae), the pine family (Cedrus sp. and Pinus sp.), Australian pine (Casuarina sp.) and oak (Quercus sp.). The weed pollen detected were plantain (Plantago sp.), sedges (Cyperaceae), goosefoot (Chenopodiaceae), […]
30 July 2021
Due to logistical challenges, the results from the previous sampling period are repeated for Pretoria Cape Town Grass, tree and weed pollen were low, with tree and weed counts approaching moderate levels. The trees detected included gum (Myrtaceae), karee (Rhus sp. / Searsia sp.), cypress (Cupressaceae), the pine family (Cedrus sp. and Pinus sp.), Australian […]
6 August 2021
Cape Town Grass, tree and weed counts were low. Tree pollen included gum (Myrtaceae), karee (Rhus sp. / Searsia sp.), cypress (Cupressaceae), Australian pine (Casuarina sp.), waxberry (Morella sp.), mulberry (Moraceae) and olive (Oleaceae). The weed pollen detected were the daisy family (Asteraceae), ice plants (Aizoaceae) and nettles (Urticaceae). Mould levels were also low. Johannesburg […]
13 August 2021
Cape Town Grass and weed pollen levels were low. Tree pollen counts were moderate, and included gum (Myrtaceae), Australian pine (Casuarina sp.), pine (Pinaceae) and mulberry (Moraceae), with high levels of cypress (Cupressaceae) recorded. The weed pollen types detected were the daisy family (Asteraceae), ericas (Ericaceae), plantain (Plantago sp.), sedges (Cyperaceae) and nettles (Urticaceae). Mould […]
20 August 2021
Summary Across the country most sites report low pollen concentrations. The exceptions are Cape Town and Johannesburg where the trees have begun their springtime pollen release cycles. In Cape Town tree levels have breached the significant threshold and daily averages >200/cu metre are occurring. Cypress is the dominant tree pollen at this site, while low […]
27 August 2021
Most sites reported low pollen and fungal spore concentrations, but tree counts are steadily picking up across the country as we head into spring. Cape Town had high tree pollen levels, but current rainy weather will likely lower these counts in the next sampling period. Notable tree species that are flowering across the country include […]